Mental Access to MTKuszek

Mental Access to MTKuszek
A Window of Opportunity

Friday, July 22, 2011

07-22-2011 The Skies Fall Silent

day 423...

shortly after Sept 1st, the night skies will fall silent in Toledo...and the silence will be deafening...

last night, we had a meeting with our regular supervisor, followed by the Area Managers of the facility, and the word was grim indeed.

effective Sept. 1st, Bax Global will close its doors.

now, earlier in the week, i had posted on my social network page the following status update, and i quote:

"i have this impending sense of dread that i just can't shake. interesting..."
Tuesday at 1:30pm

was this the feeling that i had? was this the exact moment that my termination papers were printed, placed in an envelope, and sent to my facility so that i could have them thursday?

the fact is: DB did nothing to save this company. no improvements were made, no new exciting programs were created and utilized. they bought us, knowing they'd get the money back, then picked the flesh from our bones and are leaving us for dead.

Toledo is in bad shape, even more so with a lack of a major business presence at Toledo Express. above that, the unemployment just added 700 new bodies to the pool of job hunters.

today, my status update read the following:

"The axe has fallen, the other shoe dropped, and the ship has sailed. Bax Global to close Sept. 1st.

essen mein scheiße, Deutsche Bahn..." (the last line for our non-german speaking friends is "eat my shit, etc.")

i refer back to my post "06/25/2011 My State of Mind" a few days after i heard about the original press release in europe. so basically they had a month to decide nothing, and now some things slip from my grasp and enter that black void i wrote about.

they will not have me though. i will bounce back from this.

i think that the worst part of this whole situation is that i'm going to have the inevitable discussions with family and friends and they will ask the questions of "how do you feel about this?" and "what comes next?".

this is day one for me, all over again, and i don't have those answers yet. over the next few weeks as i get closer to the close of the hub, i'm sure i'll feel some things, and i 'll be sure to share them here.

as for right now, i'm going to sit on my couch, and chill. i hope you can do the same today.

to all my coworkers, past and present, i thank you for being such an integral part of my life for the past 14 years, and i truly wish our friendships continue long after the skies fall silent.


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