Mental Access to MTKuszek

Mental Access to MTKuszek
A Window of Opportunity

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

6-12-2012 Clarity

I've had enough. I've analyzed over and over the current situation that I'm in, and find it to be unhealthy.

after long consideration, i have chosen to exercise my options and explore other possibilities for employment.

what could change my frame of mind in such a short period of time?

i had a discussion with a few of my co-workers, cutting through the BS about everything, and getting to the very root of how we see our place of employment. just like every job there are serious issues that need to be addressed.

they preach job security, yet i don't feel secure in my job, especially now since there is a point system for each infraction you have on a forklift, and with the kick in the ass of 12 hour days at a moment's notice, fatigue will set in, and accident will happen.

i don't mind working the standard hours, but there is overtime...a lot of overtime...and not just during the weekends either (again the 12 hour shifts) and there's no way to sustain financial stability and a family life.

i refuse to have my family become strangers, and to have to inconvenience them is not a thing i want to do. the clash between work and family has never been something that i tolerate. and to tolerate it now just because of this job is, in my terms, "a bunch of crap"

i asked myself one question; " do i see this place getting any better with their policies?" and my answer was no.

the balloon has deflated, i have no motivation to continue. i need to trust my gut feelings more often.


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