Day 527
i worked some of my second draft today, adding some new parts and refining others. not a bad start.
yesterday, i was doing the same thing for a while, and i was listening to my "Little Shop of Horrors original movie sountrack" just for some background noise. as this went on, i listened to the whole soundtrack, and realized that the last song didn't appear in the movie. it was a song called "Don't feed the plants."
Hmm, odd.
i had thought of an idea for a Dread game (my favorite horror game, and something i've talked about here before). thought it might work. so today, i watched the old black and white movie (which i had never seen) and thought it was cool. then i watched the 1986 musical movie, featuring Rick Moranis and Steve Martin. this one i had seen in the movie theaters years ago, and still loved it.
this got my mind working, because i had always wondered how they made the Audrey II plant. so i go online to look for some info.
i did not find what i was looking for. instead i found something a little more shocking to me.
apparently there is an original ending to the 1986 musical. one that is shot in black in white, unrefined, and reflects the end of how the actual stage musical ends (which i have never seen).
so the end picks up when Audrey II tries to digest the woman Audrey. Seymour comes in, rescues the woman, and they both escape. however, Audrey's wounds are severe, and she sings a sorrowful reprise to her "Somewhere That's Green" number. she dies in Seymour's arms.
there are a few minutes of Seymour carrying Audrey's body into the flower shop. he slowly puts the body into the gaping maw of Audrey II, and slowly disappears down the gullet of the flower. The woman's hand is the last thing that is seen before she disappears.
Seymour, stricken with grief climbs up to the nearest building and prepares to fling himself off the roof, when a man from a scientific firm comes to him with an offer. he has a small Audrey II in his hands, a clone that his firm has made from leaf clippings. he says that they can be rich beyond measure, but Seymour refuses, seeing the giant plant's plans.
he races into the flower shop, confronts the plant, and a fight breaks out. the plant collapses the flower shop, but Seymour survives. as he pulls himself out of the wreckage, he is bound by the plant's large vines, pulled to the giant maw, and devoured. the plant burps loudly and slits out the broken glasses of our fallen hero.
then the song that appears on my CD begins to play, accompanied by a four minute montage of giant plants tearing apart cities like Cleveland, Des Moines, and Peoria. this whole scene ends with what i assume to be Audrey II on top of the Statue of Liberty, her vines wrapped snugly around Lady Liberty's head. this is followed by a "THE END!?" slide.
first off, that's a really dark way to end a musical, but more importantly, HOW IN THE HELL DID I NOT KNOW ABOUT THIS? really? this is the way this show actually ends? where the hell have i been the past 25 goddamn years? how is it that i never even heard a tiny iota about a possibility of this as the ending. if i knew this was then ending, i would've been to just about any high school's production of this show, musical or not.
my entire perspective is shot on this movie. now i know it not a happy ending. christ i feel like Phoebe on Friends where she finds out that they kill the dog at the end of Old Yeller. and for that, i'm sorry if i just ruined someone else's perspective.
anyway, i'm going to push forward. this just reminds me that i need to keep questioning everything.
See ya,
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