Mental Access to MTKuszek

Mental Access to MTKuszek
A Window of Opportunity

Friday, December 3, 2010

12/3/10 Holiday Ratio

the 197th day...

i am amazed about the holidays, and how the more you get your Christmas shopping done, the more you begin to get in the Christmas spirit. it's kinds sad that the two are inexplicably intertwined, but it does feel like a weight has been lifted. i think I'm about 2/3rds done with the shopping aspect, and I've bought some bad as gifts, so i hope people like them.

this year was the first year that i actually participated in cyber shopping week. i find this a bit easier, but there is an inherent danger to this. I've bought my daughter a bunch of Godzilla stuff, things that are difficult to find in stores, so now I'm dreading any email stating that they don't have those items in stock. just an unacceptable feeling of impending dread.

last night i put on the radio to the local station that play Christmas music, and found myself enjoying it. again, possibly a result of the burden of buying being slightly lifted.

hmm, maybe i should start in September next year so that by October I'm in the mood for Christmas. LOL

peace to all


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